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The First Inventory of Anything (IoA)

November 11, 2021

Apparity’s experience working with organizations of all sizes and industries has taught us one very important thing. It’s that no two organizations are alike.

Software must be flexible to accommodate these differences. Even with a contained use-case like end user computing (EUC) data governance, the approach and requirements have significant deviations.

For example, an end user data governance framework can differ on broad aspects like regulatory requirements and departments deployed into (e.g., finance, accounting, etc.) It can also differ on more granular aspects such as:

  • Information captured when building the EUC inventory
  • Update, approval, and review cycles
  • Integration with supporting systems

With this in mind, we sought to create a flexible, highly configurable cloud product that can inventory any object type. Whether you’re looking to inventory EUC applications or office supplies, the platform will work for you. The key to this flexibility is a self-service configuration model.

Illustration showing the concept of a flexible data inventory

This allows you to either load pre-set inventory object schemas (e.g., EUC, MRM, etc.) or build your own configuration from scratch. With the pre-set schemas, you can leverage Apparity’s expertise in data governance to give you a quick start. You are then able to customize the schema to your needs.

With Apparity Cloud, you can define:

  • What’s being inventoried
  • What fields need to be captured
  • What logic needs to be included, etc.
Image conceptually showing inventory configuration

Think of it as an inventory of anything (IoA).

“Theoretically, if a curator wanted to create an inventory of paintings at their museum, Apparity Cloud could do that. They would define their inventory object based on the attributes of a painting— the artist, genre, and so on,” says Subash Kalbarga, Apparity Co-founder and CTO.

“Another curator could configure a separate inventory for sculptures. They would exist within the same account but would need a separate inventory because the object’s attributes are different,” adds Kalbarga.

For most of our customers, this would result in an inventory for EUC applications and another for models under MRM. This provides maximum attribute management and clear segmentation for a complete inventory without compromise.

Additionally, Apparity Cloud’s enterprise DNA ensures you will be able to leverage Apparity’s Discovery and Management modules without interruption. This single pane-of-glass approach ensures transparency across all modules to allow information to flow seamlessly and reduce redundancy.

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Subtle White Feathers

Christina Hummel

Christina formerly worked at Apparity, leading research, planning, tracking and communication of development.

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