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Scan Setup & Tracking Console

To find all your critical EUCs, you’ll need a comprehensive and configurable scanning tool. Apparity’s web-based Discovery Console provides a user-friendly and transparent method of configuring, scheduling and monitoring EUC scans.

Configuration & Scheduling

Apparity’s Discovery scan setup is quick and easy. The web-based console eliminates the need to access the server and guides the user step-by-step through the configuration and scheduling process.

  • Scan Locations
    Select from SharePoint and shared drive locations.
  • Flexible Exclusion Patterns
    Easily remove specified sub-folders or files/folders containing keywords from the results.
  • Service Accounts
    Configure multiple service accounts so that separate accounts can be used for different scans, if desired.
  • File Type Filtering
    Select “freshness” of files as well as the file types discovered.
  • Customizable Scheduling
    Run a one-time scan and/or setup recurring scans on a custom basis going forward.

This amount of flexibility ensures an organization can find the spreadsheets and EUCs important to them at a cadence that aligns with their internal processes.

EUC Scan Tracking Capabilities

Once a scan has been scheduled, it is crucial that a user has the ability to review scan progress, scan schedule and scan completion metrics. Apparity provides comprehensive oversight of all scans that have been setup using the web-based console in three sections: Running Scans, Upcoming Scans and Completed Scans.

  • Running Scans
    View all scans currently underway and track the progress of each scan with live updates of results. If a scan encounters an error, Apparity provides troubleshooting capabilities to get the scan back on track.
  • Upcoming Scans
    Displays the continuous incremental scans scheduled to run in the future, which can be enabled/disabled if desired.
  • Completed Scans
    Provides insight into the results of completed scans so a user can confirm a successful scan.

For all scans, Apparity provides confidence and control throughout the entire process.

See Discovery Console in Action

Schedule a demo to see the web-based Discovery Console in action.