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Excel Spreadsheet Controls

Continuously monitor spreadsheet usage and apply robust version history and change management controls.

Excel Spreadsheet Management Features

Once a spreadsheet is placed under Active Management, Apparity uses its patented “Fingerprinting” tracking to ensure the file is controlled at all times and will continue to do so regardless of file movement or rename.

Excel Version History 1

Spreadsheet Version Control

Apparity retains a robust Version History of files placed under management, retaining detailed information about file modifications, the date/time of changes and any user-provided comments aligning to particular change. The Version History pane is a powerful tool that can revert the file to an older version or export a version for auditing and reporting.

Excel Version History 2

Spreadsheet Change Management

Apparity managed files are considered protected at all times, and users can be assured that all content changes are tracked while critical business processes are supported and optimized. Users are able to generate a change log displaying all changes between two versions of a file, including changes that occur at the workbook level, worksheet level and cell level. Change logs can be used to initiate an approval workflow, ensuring significant changes are being captured, reviewed and approved according to policy.

Excel Spreadsheet Management - Change Log

See Spreadsheet Controls in Action

Schedule a demo to see Excel spreadsheet controls in action.